swiss digital wellness

helping manage, navigate and relate in our brave new world 

Social Media

Social media is becoming a big part of many of our everyday lives. A 2018 Pew Research Center survey of nearly 750 13- to 17-year-olds found that 45% are online almost constantly and 97% use a social media platform, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.

What is the real impact of this level of usage?  How does this effect our physiology our emoptions and our mental well-being?


There is a lot of concern about the effects of gaming on children’s (and adults') development.  We may feel that gaming takes time away from more worthwhile, real life activities. There is also concern that gaming promotes violent and anti-social behavior.
Many clinicians, however,  believe that video games do have some benefits –they can  improve skills like problem solving and critical thinking.  So, just how good or bad are video games for our children?  How do we achieve a healthy balance in our gamers' lives?

Skills for Living

Here we aim to answer questions before they are asked.  Most young people finish school with very little financially literacy, or an understanding of how to manage simple daily tasks to keep an organized home and life - these workshops will give them a headstart.

Contact us to find out about upcoming camps and workshops
+41 79 178 45 08